Siyuan Huang


Data mining

Time series forecasting

Web3, Block chain

About Me

I am currently a master student (from fall, 2022) in School of Computer Science and Technology , Shandong Technology and Business University , under the supervision of Prof. Yepeng Liu .
My research interests lie in deep and scientific learning, especially science-inspired model architectures. My research goal is to model this ever-changing and non-stationary world through scientific and interpretable deep models. I am also working hard on Web3 and blockchain technology to explore how to build a more open, transparent and secure network environment.

Google Scholar / ORCiD / Scopus / GitHub


Journal Articles

In process


  1. FL-Net: A Multi-Scale Cross-Decomposition Network with Frequency External Attention for Long-term Time Series Forecasting
    Siyuan Huang , Yepeng Liu#
    Knowledge-Based Systems 2024 / PDF

  2. MEAformer: An all-MLP Transformer with Temporal External Attention for Long-term Time Series Forecasting
    Siyuan Huang , Yepeng Liu#, Haoyi Cui, Fan Zhang, Jinjiang Li, Xiaofeng Zhang, Mingli Zhang, Caiming Zhang
    Information Sciences 2024 (Accepted) / Code / PDF

  3. CrossWaveNet: A dual-channel network with deep cross-decomposition for Long-term Time Series Forecasting
    Siyuan Huang , Yepeng Liu#, Fan Zhang, Yue Li, Jinjiang Li, Caiming Zhang
    Expert Systems with Applications 2023 / PDF

  4. A stock series prediction model based on variational mode decomposition and dual-channel attention network
    Yepeng Liu#, Siyuan Huang , Xiaoyi Tian, Fan Zhang, Feng Zhao, Caiming Zhang
    Expert Systems with Applications 2023 / PDF

  5. Design and Implementation of Cloud Storage Platform for Learning Behavior Data based on Hadoop
    Chunhua Cai#, Siyuan Huang , Jimei Gao
    Software Engineering (软件工程) 2022 / PDF

# Corresponding Author


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